Configuring Custom Commands

StartExplorer can be extended and customized by the user by custom commands. Custom commands are sent to the command line so your custom commands can do anything that you can do from the command line.

You can add as many custom commands as you want. Custom commands will be shown in a sub menu of StartExplorer's context menus.

Configuring Custom Commands

Go to Window - Preferences - StartExplorer - Custom Commands to access StartExplorer's preference page. The upper area of the preference page is used to configure custom commands. The table shows you all configured custom commands. By default, there are already two custom commands (Notepad and UltraEdit). The buttons to the right of the table allow you to

Add a new custom command

Click the Add button. You can configure the new custom command in the following dialog.

The export button let's you export the command definition to the file system, see Importing and exporting custom commands.

Edit an existing custom command

Select an existing custom command in the table and click the Edit button or simply double click a custom command. You can configure the new custom command in the following dialog. The dialog is exactly the same as for adding new custom commands.

Remove an existing custom command

Select an existing custom command in the table and click the Remove button to delete custom commands.

Reorder the custom commands

Select an existing custom command in the table and use the buttons Up and Down to change the order in which the custom commands appear in the context menu.

Importing and exporting custom commands

Command definitions can be exported to the file system. The dialog to edit a custom command offers an Export button. Click the button and choose a file to export the command. It will be stored as a *.startexplorer file, the format used internally is JSON. Commands that have been exported like that can be imported with the Import button on the preference page for custom commands. After importing a custom command it will be added to the end of the list. This feature makes it possible to share command definitions with other people.


StartExplorer supports is now integrated with the standard Eclipse mechanism and thus support all variables that are defined in your Eclipse installation/workspace. This includes well known variables like workspace_loc project_loc, but generally every variable that is defined, either by Eclipse or by any installed plug-in or that has been added manually (for example via Preferences -> Run/Debug -> String Substitution) can be used in custom command definitions and the command definitions for and custom desktop environments. Variables that take arguments are also supported. The content assist functionality in the preference pages will show all available variables.

For example, in my workspace, the following variables are supported:

In addition, StartExplorer itself offers a few variables of its own. For the examples, let the full path of the resource be C:\path\to\resource.txt

  1. ${resource_path}: Absolute path to selected resource (that is, C:\path\to\resource.txt))
  2. ${resource_name}: File name or directory name of the resource, without path (that is, resource.txt)
  3. ${resource_parent}: Absolute path to parent of selected resource (that is, C:\path\to)
  4. ${resource_name_without_extension}: File name or directory name of the resource, without path and without extension (that is, resource, without trailing dot)
  5. ${resource_extension}: Only the file's extension (that is, txt, without leading dot)

The text field for the command also provides content assist. If you press CTRL + Space or if you type '$' (and wait a second) the available variables will be listed, together with a short explanation.

Custom Commmands Compared to External Tools

Custom Commands are similar to External Tools, which are available in Eclipse without the StartExplorer plug-in. Here are the main differences:

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