Grouping repositories

Note: the recommended approach is grouping by project directories as that way mu clone may be used to clone several repositories at once too (mu-repo 1.1.0 onwards).

The mu group command is available for when finer grained control over grouping of repositories is needed.

mu group can be used so you can have separate sets of projects that may not be related to each other. For instance, suppose you work on project A, which depends on this repositories:


And project B, which depends on:


Grouping enables you to switch easily between the two projects. To create a group to work on projectA and its dependencies, use mu group add <name> to create the new group:

# Note: not passing --empty means using the current repositories as starting point
>> mu group add pA --empty 
>> mu register libA mylib projectA
>> mu list

Tracked repositories:


The same goes for project B:

>> mu group add pB  --empty
>> mu register libB mylib projectB
>> mu list

Tracked repositories:


You can see which group you're on:

>> mu group
* pB

And switch between the two:

>> mu group switch pA
Switched to group "pA".

Or alternatively just use mu group switch without parameters:

>> mu group switch
Please choose which group you want to switch to:
[0]: pA
[1]: pB

[C]: Cancel

If you are done with a group, use "mu group rm" to remove it:

>> mu group rm pA
Group "pA" removed (no current group).